Weight Loss

Sermorelin: A New Approach to Anti-Aging and Weight Loss Therapy

February 3, 2022

By: Belmar Pharmacy

The body changes with aging for women and men alike, and some of these body changes cannot be avoided. However, there are ways in which doctors can assist patients maintain the best quality of life possible, as they age (chronologically that is).

Throughout the aging process, hormone levels start to fluctuate. In men, testosterone levels begin to decline around thirty years old. Testosterone replacement therapy can be a great approach to improve men’s overall health. Sermorelin also helps men and women address hormonal imbalances that come with age. 

Sermorelin is a growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) essential for overall growth, cell regeneration, and cell reproduction. Sermorelin is approved by the FDA to treat Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD) and growth problems in children. Sermorelin naturally prompts the pituitary gland to make and release natural human growth hormone (HGH).

A deficiency of growth hormones in adults may lead to undesirable health issues, including reduced vitality, a decrease in muscle mass, weight gain, and decreased energy.

Sermorelin is widely used as a weight loss and anti-aging supplement that aids the body in repairing damaged cells and weakened systems caused by insufficient human growth hormone (HGH). The levels of HGH secretion gradually deteriorate with aging causing a decrease in lean body mass, increase in body fat, adverse changes in lipoproteins, and a reduction in aerobic capacity.

Some of the benefits of Sermorelin may be:

  • Supports immune system functioning;
  • Plays a key role in sleep regulation;
  • Improvement in sexual performance and libido;
  • Greater strength and higher energy levels;
  • Growth of lean muscle mass and weight loss;
  • Bone health;
  • Skin and nail health.

If you are a prescriber and are interested in prescribing these medications, please complete this form and a Belmar Solutions Engineer will reach out to you.


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Prakash A, Goa KL. Sermorelin: A Review of its Use in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with Idiopathic Growth Hormone Deficiency. BioDrugs. 1999;12(2):139-157. Accessed January 11, 2022. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,sso&db=asn&AN=9522602&site=eds-live&scope=site

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Zhang C, Cai R, Lazerson A, et al. Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone Receptor Antagonist Modulates Lung Inflammation and Fibrosis due to Bleomycin. Lung. 2019;197(5):541-549. doi:10.1007/s00408-019-00257-w

Zhang C, Cui T, Cai R, et al. Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone in Lung Physiology and Pulmonary Disease. Cells. 2020;9(10). doi:10.3390/cells9102331

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